Have you heard about our Jumpstart program from another resort, restaurant or server . . . ?
As you know, at any resort or restaurant wine sales can boost your bottom line in a big way.
But what if a server hasn’t been taught how to properly talk and sell wine?
At Culinary Wine Institute, (CWI), we train your servers with simple-to-use knowledge based tips and tools that boost wine sales.
You can do this, too—easily, without the hassle of on-site or group training.
Your servers learn on their own time at their own pace, and you can see how well they score.
But what if a server hasn’t been taught how to properly talk and sell wine?
At Culinary Wine Institute, (CWI), we train your servers with simple-to-use knowledge based tips and tools that boost wine sales.
You can do this, too—easily, without the hassle of on-site or group training.
Your servers learn on their own time at their own pace, and you can see how well they score.
Our resort clients tell us stories about their wine sales climbing - with one restaurant recently revealing a 26% increase. Plus seeing confidence in the staff when talking about wine.
CWI-certified servers tell us how much the wine sale training, tips and tools has increased their tips - even servers who don’t drink and have never tasted wine!