Understand, this is NOT a course in how to become a sommelier. You don’t need that unless you want your servers to become sommeliers. (And if you want a course like that, we can recommend some very good ones.)
At CWI, you get something unusual: an online training program designed specifically for the service industry. To give servers knowledge and an understanding how to profit from wine sales. The video course is simple. The course is entertaining. The course will make your resort restaurants and your servers more money! If you’re a resort food and beverage manager or a restaurant owner, you buy the course for each of your managers or servers who need it.* If you’re a server, you can buy training for yourself.** Each student comes here on their own time, and over about three hours, watches each of the four videos at their own pace, and takes the four -14 questions exams following each segment. When the server passes the course (all 4 segments), the server is certified by the Culinary Wine Institute and receives a CWI credential. *And if any certified server leaves within 60 days of completing the wine-sales training, we'll train your new hire for FREE! *Servers if you leave your place of business within 60 days of certification your certificate is revoked. ** If you took the course on your own, not paid by your restaurant, you will remain certified in good standing. |